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Sharding Databases: A (Bunch of) Quick Trick(s)

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One of the problems with serving databases is horizontal scalability (i.e., being able to add machines in the cluster), and load balance the read/write loads.

Naive Solution

A naive way to rebalance traffic is to assign a part of the key-space to each machine. For an object $o$, with key $k$, the machine serving the object can be found out by $h$($k$) $\%$ $n$. Where $h$ is a hash-function, such as SHA or MD5.


  • A simple function to compute where each key goes.


  • $n$ is fixed, and the clients need to be informed when you update $n$.
  • If you add/remove machines, you need to move all your existing data, so that the hash function works. If you have $K$ keys, you would incur $O$($K$) transfers.

Consistent Hashing

Consistent Hashing is an optimization on the naive solution, in that it avoids the need to copy the entire dataset. Each key is projected as a point on the edge of a unit circle. Every node in the cluster is assigned a point on the edge of the same circle. Then each key is served by the node closest to it on the circle’s edge.

When a machine is added or removed from the cluster, each machine gives up / takes up a small number of keys. This rebalance happens in such a fashion that only $O$($\frac{K}{n}$) transfers happen. Where $n$ is the number of machines in the cluster.


  • Minimal number of data transfer between machines. Has been proven to be optimal.


  • The clients need to know not just the number of nodes, but also the location of each node on the circle.
  • Calculating which key goes to which machine, is slightly more comples, but still $O$(1).

Note that in both the above methods, when you are adding or removing machines, there is some amount of shutdown involved. In the first case, we need to completely turn-off reads and writes because the cluster is going through a complete rebalance. In the second case, we can just turn-off reads and writes for a fraction of the keyspace which is $\frac{1}{n}$ as compared to the first solution.

Pinterest’s Sharding Trick

Pinterest in it’s blogpost about MySQL sharding talks about a setup where they use the key itself as a marker of which shard the key belongs to. When doing a write for the first time on the object $o$, we generate a key for it, in which we keep the higher $x$ bits reserved for the shard the object belongs to. The next time, there is a request for a read, we use those $x$ bits to find which shard should be queried.

Each shard is located on a certain machine, and the shard->machine map is kept in ZooKeeper (a good place to read & write small configs in a consistent fashion). Upon finding the shard, we lookup this map to locate the machine to which the request needs to be made.

When new machines are added, we simply create more shards, and start utilizing those new shards for populating the bits corresponding to the shards. This way, new writes and the reads correspodning to those writes dont hit the existing machines.

I’m going to refer to this as the “Pinterest trick”, because I read it on their blog. Pretty sure, this is not the first time it’s being done though.


  • There is no copying whatsoever. Once you add new machines, they start receiving new data, provided you tell the system generating the keys about new machines.


  • Reads and writes are not balanced to begin with. Newer machines will start with 0 traffic, and slowly ramp up.
  • There is an intermediary lookup involved for the shard->machine mapping.
  • The key itself is modified. This might be okay for some setups, though.

Sharding Trick Deux

Another trick that some setups apply is to have the key-space sufficiently pre-sharded to begin with. Then these shards are simply moved to other machines, if their current hosts can’t serve them, as traffic increases. For MySQL, each shard is a separate database instance. We used a similar approach when operating HBase at FB, where we expected the need to add more machines in future.

Why are we sharding though?

Discussing with Dhruv, brought up an interesting point: Why are we sharding a database? Sure, we want to scale horizontally. But which resource are we running out of? CPU, Disk, Network?

Scaling for CPU

The above tricks that we discussed, scale for disk. Note that, in the case of the Pinterest trick, new shards don’t proportionately help with serving existing read queries. For most Social Networks, the amount of data being created outpaces consumption, and they are bound on disk, rather than CPU.

If you would be bound on CPU, there are several ways to move your shards to not-so-hot machines, depending on which tradeoff you would like to make:

  • Setup Master-Slave replication, with the target machine as the slave. At some point, cut off writes to the existing master, replay from MySQL’s binlog / HBase’s WAL to cover the remaining delta.
  • Setup Master-Master replication (this is more expensive, since an eager M-M replication incurs additional latency), and at some point turn on exclusive writes to the target node. ZooKeeper or something similar can handle this switch. Writes need not be turned off.
  • In HBase, because of the distributed file system underneath, it was possible to “open the region” at one of the three machines which would have a copy of the shard (thanks to the 3x HDFS replication), without incurring the cost to copy the shard data. But this requires turning off the writes.


I wrote a lot of this from a high-level knowledge, and discussing with people who have worked on these kind of things. I might have omitted something, or wrote something that is plainly incorrect. Moreover, this is an open topic, with no “right answers” that apply to all. If you have any comments about this topic, please feel free to share in the comments section below.
